Washington DC Ambassador Team
Asian Pacific American Public Affairs
About our Ambassador Team
The APAPA Ambassador Team is focused on partnering with other local and national organizations to advance leadership and civic engagement in our diverse communities. The chapter members are also dedicated to developing the next generation of leaders through the APAPA National Internship Program. Each year, the APAPA DC Chapter also organizes and leads a Legislative Advocacy & Outreach Day at our nation's capitol in collaboration with other APAPA chapter leaders who join them from across the country. Recent issues and legislation supported include a new national Asian History Museum in DC, Asian American History being taught in K-12 public schools, Lunar New Year becoming an official state and federal holiday, the recognition of the 80th Anniversary of the repeal of the Chinese Exclusion Act, and resources for combating hate crimes.
Advancing Asian Pacific Islander Communities
Through Increased Leadership And Civic Engagement
Our ambassador team Members
Jacob Harrer
Angel Liang
Stella Thé
Board Member
Stephen DeGuzman
Board Member
Jay Kansara
Board Member